Sunday, 6 July 2014

Six Guns : Cowboy to Eradicate Pirates and Zombies

22:54 Posted by Unknown No comments

Six Guns west set in ancient, Buck Crosshaw start the adventures of a cowboy to eradicate pirates and zombies (I do not understand why there are zombies in this game). Given environment is amazingly good, really feel the impression of old school. In terms of lighting and effects it feels as if you're in Arizona around the late 18th and early 19th century. But that became my concern here, Six Guns is not offers a game concept with a clear storyline. The impression you are only invited to drive around from one place to another, unlock new weapons and raise your level.

Interestingly, the main mission in Six Guns is quite varied. Not just shooting, but a variety of missions such as horse racing, shooting and equestrian training while shooting targets provided in this game. It looks advances in freemium games, but for me, after a long time I felt a bit bored because is not the storyline as I referred to above. To achieve the mission in this game is quite easy and fast. You can click on the mini map existing and mission select which one you want to accomplish, there will be some sort of GPS to show you where to go and if you are lazy, you can directly to the destination. I feel there are so many mini mission that must be completed but the saddle bag (storage area) that can be used too little and certainly IAP (In App Purchase) plays an important role here.

Six Guns include a puzzle that must be solve by you every time you come across a treasure. Minor bug, I meet in this game, at first being in the game environment sets the night, but suddenly turned into a day when I finish a mission that is set on daylight savings time.

Controlling part, I rather constrained on the "roll over" because often accidentally pressed when I want to slide the camera. Unfortunately, you can not custom gamepad that is, it means to accept it for what it is. Funny, in this game you can shoot whatever you encounter. Animals or strangers can shoot you dead.

Six Guns overall experience of playing a cool show and Gameloft giving something varied than usual. But playing too long with repetitive mission and without a clear storyline and targets can be boring for you. Push notification rather annoying though I think that you can set to shut down. So Cowboy, do you want to race together? Yihaaaaa ....


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