If we usually interact via twitter with images and writings, now we can also share videos via this social networks that have bird logo. Yup, through the application Vine, we can do that.

Vine is a new way that we can choose for short video sharing. If we usually need to upload a video to a certain website that the link can be shared on twitter, this time we can distribute it directly through this application. How to use it is also quite easy, we just press the record button on the screen and release it when finished.

Unfortunately, we can only record the desired events for six seconds! Nevertheless, we can record with different settings in the video as long as the duration of the video is not more than six seconds. Because after six seconds, the video that we recorded will be saved automatically. In addition for twitter users, this application can also be used for distribute video through social networks facebook. This application can be downloaded for free by smartphone users based on IOS, Android and Windows Phone.
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