Single is not always lonely and troubled. There are so many ways you can do, such as doing some activity looking for a useful bustle. And there is a good news for you singles. Because now present a new social networking account that is specifically made for the singles, In these networks, you can find new friends, new activities or even looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Because this social networking is a friendship site that are made to connect one individual to another individual and also have same hobby.

One representative of, Darrick Rochili said that the existence of is inspired from singles people in Indonesia and He should eliminate the negative perception about the singles. He hopes the jombloers can show everything that singles can live a positive and not be less exciting than having a partner, and far from being "Galau" that had been attached to the word Singles.
This social networking is very different from other social networking, because in this social network features and facilities are developed to support the activities of its users. One of the features in it are feature profile-matching and search group or activity that suitable with your interests and hobbies, this matching profile feature exactly can be used to find a pair that fit with your criteria.

Until now, those users who registered on the site already reached 9,000 with the active use was recorded at 5,000 people who were at the age of 18 years to 22 years. This social networking has long-term targets so that more users can access the up stands at 1 million users. social networking sites can also connect to your Twitter and Facebook accounts as a means to share information between singles-ers with friends on social networking.
If you have Android Smartphone, you can access this social network through your Android by click this link :
Android :
Are you singles? Want to find the ideal partner? Come on, go directly to the official website and register yourself soon.
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